链锯人 /电锯人 /チェンソーマン /Chainsaw Man
[230125] Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition - chainsaw edge fragments - 320K
[230125]Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition - chainsaw edge fragments -/音楽:牛尾憲輔[320K]

Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition - chainsaw edge fragments -
Catalog Number KSCL-3346~7
Barcode 4547366596601
Release Date Jan 25, 2023
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3630 JPY
Media Format 2 CD
Classification Original Soundtrack
Label Ki/oon
Manufacturer Sony Music Labels Inc.
Distributor Sony Music Solutions Inc.
Music kensuke ushio
Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition - chainsaw edge fragments -
Animation Soundtrack (Music by Kensuke Ushio)
Includes tracks from "Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack EP Vol. 1 (Episodes 1-3)," which has already been distributed, as well as the second and third tracks distributed on November 23 and December 28. Also includes other tracks. Comes with a booklet with an interview with Kensuke Ushio, who made the tracks.
Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition - chainsaw edge fragments - / アニメサントラ (音楽: 牛尾憲輔)
牛尾憲輔が劇伴を手掛ける、『チェンソーマン』のオリジナルサウンドトラックCD。既に配信されている「Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack EP Vol.1 (Episode 1-3)」、11月23日、12月28日に配信される第二弾、第三弾の楽曲に加えて、先行配信楽曲の他にも劇中に使用された劇伴が収録される。同梱されているブックレットには、劇伴を担当した牛尾憲輔のインタビューも掲載。
Disc 1
1 edge of chainsaw
2 the door
3 imagine devils
4 the devil hunter
5 rain
6 nail-biter
7 black despair
8 that's a dream come true
9 special division 4
10 looking for something
11 livingroom
12 chainsaw attacks!
13 the devil appears
14 destroy them all
15 good night, boy
16 sweet dreams
17 eat.sleep.play
18 100% sales tax
19 kick ass!
20 the golden bowlers
21 search and destroy
22 death cluster
23 run
24 confront
25 humans are fools
26 buddy
27 song for unbirthday
28 verge of death
29 nmgeai
30 dream...come true?
Disc 2
1 you were here
2 ave xxxxxx
3 sepia
4 in the bullet train
5 brutal life
6 he's on the back foot
7 arg.
8 pain in the ass
9 stranger in paranoid
10 pong pong pong
11 stay in the darkness
12 crawler
13 brotherhood
14 gun, knife
15 a tombsone
16 tear off
17 metal riser
18 sword of hunter
19 the end of childhood
music: kensuke ushio
01. edge of chainsaw
electric guitar: hisako tabuchi
recording: tetsuya kaneshige
mix: takashi watanabe
02. ave XXXXXX
arrange: yuhki kurihara
mastering engineer: kentaro kimura (kimken studio)
art direction & design & collage: isao yokoyama
booklet interviewer: ryouta fujitsu
design coordination: yoshitsugu saijo (Ki/oon Music)
streaming jacket illustration: rounin
promotion: eiichiro oshima (Ki/oon Music) / shunsuke mochizuki (Ki/oon Music) / syuri ishikawa (Slow Curve Co.,LTD) / Sony Music Marketing United
release operater: junichi maekawa (Ki/oon Music)
products coordination: yuichiro okuchi (Sony Music Solutions)
producer: makoto kimura (YM Record) / kensuke ushio
music cooperation: haruo yasuba (Sony Music Publishing (Japan) Inc.)
executive producers: yosuke hasegawa (Ki/oon Music) / mikami charles / kazuhiro (Sony Music Publishing (Japan) Inc.) / manabu otsuka (MAPPA) / yoshichika matsumoto (Sony Music Labels)
special thanks: ryu nakayama / keisuke seshimo (MAPPA) / maiko goda, kisuke koizumi, takuro okada (dugout Inc.) / akihiko matsumoto / hiromi kojima / takayuki jin, noriko kaoru, haruko takanoha, mami ito (Sony Music Publishing) / kyoko watanabe (High Wave Co.,Ltd) / shinichi nakamura, JC (Milan Records) / Sony Computer Science Laboratories Al Music team
https://url17.ctfile.com/f/10338817-772829715-b0a4b9?p=347297 (访问密码: 347297) |