七大罪 愤怒的审判 /七つの大罪 憤怒の審判 /The Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement /Nanatsu no Taizai: Fundo no Shinpan
[2021.01.18] Nanatsu no Taizai: Fundo no Shinpan ED Single - SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:ReoNa - time [FLAC]
[210118] TVアニメ「七つの大罪 憤怒の審判」ED「time」FLAC+MP3

time / SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:ReoNa
Catalog Number VVCL-1659
Barcode 4547366492071
Release Date Mar 03, 2021
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 3520 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal
Manufacturer Sony Music Labels Inc.
Distributor Sony Music Solutions Inc.
Vocals SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] (Jean-Ken Johnny, naNami, Anly, ReoNa, Laco, Gemie, Tielle, mizuki, Yosh)
Composer Hiroyuki Sawano
Arranger Hiroyuki Sawano
Lyricist Jean-Ken Johnny, naNami, Benjamin, mpi, cAnON., Hiroyuki Sawano
TV Anime "Seven Deadly Sins: Dragon's Judgement" Ending Theme
iv / SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]
This is the fourth full-length album by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk], the vocal project of theatrical accompanist Hiroyuki Sawano. Four theme songs from popular anime works are included! Gorgeous guest vocalists such as ReoNa and Jean-Ken Johnny of the rock band MAN WITH A MISSION.
劇伴作家・澤野弘之によるボーカルプロジェクト、SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]4枚目のフルアルバム。大人気アニメ作品の主題歌を4曲収録! "絶望系アニソンシンガー" ReoNa、国内外で絶大な人気を誇るロックバンドMAN WITH A MISSIONのJean-Ken Johnny、など豪華ゲストボーカルが参加! 澤野弘之が"今届けたい音楽"を全身で感じられる珠玉の1枚。
01. time
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