rebind / TRUE
Catalog Number LACM-24339
Barcode 4540774243396
Release Date Jan 25, 2023
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 1320 JPY
Media Format CD
Classification Vocal
Label BANDAI NAMCO, Lantis
Manufacturer Bandai Namco Music Live Inc.
Distributor Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc.
"Malevolent Spirits (Mononogatari) (Anime)" Ending Theme: rebind
TRUE to release new single! The title song is featured as an outro theme song for the TV anime series "Malevolent Spirits (Mononogatari)." Also contains a song and two instrumental tracks for the included songs. Illustrated jacket.
TVアニメ〆もののがたり〇エンディングテ`マ: rebind / TRUE
TRUE 1定ぶりのニュ`シングルはTVアニメ〆もののがたり〇エンディングテ`マにQ協! ささやかながらも~えることのない噸演議な社怛曚鮹茲い織丱薊`ド爆が頼撹。あたたかく、やさしく、淫みzむようなS爆。麿にカップリング1爆+光爆Inst.の4トラックуh。宙き和ろしイラストバックジャケット碧。