LoveLive!学园偶像祭 /ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル /スクフェス /Love Live! Sunshine!! 2
[200819]『ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!』Saint Snow 1st シングル「Dazzling White Town」(BD付)[320K]
Saint Snow - Dazzling White Town [FLAC]

Dazzling White Town / Saint Snow
Catalog Number LACM-14934
Barcode 4540774149346
Release Date Aug 19, 2020
Publish Format Commercial
Release Price 4400 JPY
Media Format CD + Blu-ray
Classification Vocal, Drama
Organizations Lantis (Label), BANDAI NAMCO Arts Inc. (Manufacturer, Distributor)
Composed by Kazunori Watanabe, Naozumi Mabuchi, R·O·N
Arranged by Kazunori Watanabe, Naozumi Mabuchi, R·O·N
Performed by Asami Tano, Hinata Sato
Lyrics by Aki Hata
First single from Saint Snow, a popular group from "Lovelive! Sunshine!!" series. Includes three new songs and a drama part. Comes with a Blu-ray with a animated music video. Illustrated cover artwork.
『ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!』の人気ユニット"Saint Snow"の1stシングルリリース!! 新曲3曲+ドラマパート収録。
01. Dazzling White Town
作詞:畑 亜貴 作曲・編曲:渡辺和紀
02. Lonely Snow Planet
作詞:畑 亜貴 作曲・編曲:馬渕直純
03. After The Rain
作詞:畑 亜貴 作曲・編曲:R・O・N
04. Dazzling White Town (Off Vocal)
05. 波濤――沼津との遭遇
06. セイントスモー対スタルヒン 函館場所
07. 試される大地、試される姉妹
Saint Snow are Sarah Kazuno (CV: Asami Tano), Leah Kazuno (CV: Hinata Sato)
All lyrics by Aki Hata
Composer: Kazunori Watanabe
Arranger: Kazunori Watanabe
Composer: Naozumi Mabuchi
Arranger: Naozumi Mabuchi
Composer: R·O·N
Arranger: R·O·N
M-05~07 - Drama
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