As a Marines Special Forces Recon operative, you respond to a distress signal sent from a secret military base in Antarctica. Upon entry, you learn that a rampaging virus has mutated all life within the base, and nothing is safe from its toxic grasp. Although equipped with an assault rifle that has many shot variations, you'll need more than just firepower to survive. With limited resources and few means to stay warm in the below-zero frigid environments, you'll have to withstand an onslaught of weather and creature assaults in an attempt to unravel what mysteries lie at the heart of this threat.
SCEI在2000年2月份“PS FESTRIVAL 2000”公开的一款PS2动作游戏“灭绝者(Extermination)”,自从当初惊虹一瞥后,几乎没有后续消息公布,如今SCEI再度发表“Extermination”新消息,而且表现可圈可点。这是一款3D动作游戏,玩家扮演美国特殊侦查部队成员 丹尼斯,奉命到南极大陆调查秘密基地为何发生变故,因而牵扯到外星病毒入侵、异形肆虐的恐怖事件(这跟1980年由寇特罗素主演的电影“突变第三型 (The Thing)”剧情蛮像的)。游戏因为有PS2强力硬体充分发挥,画面表现可圈可点,而表达的“电影感”也让人印象深刻,游戏预计3月8日发售,PS2玩家又有好游戏可以期待了。