
英文名称:Silent Hill - Downpour
日文名称:サイレントヒル DOWNPOUR
The survival horror experience begins after a prison transport vehicle careens off the road, leaving lone inmate Murphy Pendleton stranded in Silent Hill. Gamers will encounter mind-bending puzzles, as well as horrific creatures and other world terrors using everyday objects from wooden chairs to glass bottles to fend off their enemies. The natural response, fight or flight is left to the player as they unravel a dark, thought-provoking storyline which will appeal to fans of the early, classic Silent Hill series, as well as anyone who enjoys a deep, psychological horror experience. In addition to the main storyline, players will also be presented with variable side quests along the way that can change depending on their play style, revealing unknown evils within the town.
由捷克游戏开发商Vatra Games负责开发制作,Konami代理发行的人气恐怖生存冒险游戏《寂静岭》系列最新作《寂静岭:暴雨》将于2012年3月13日跨PS3/Xbox 360/PC主机发售,今天游戏官方公布了游戏最新一批画面。玩家在游戏里将扮演一名监狱逃犯Murphy Pendleton。为了逃避追捕,Pendleton只能在寂静岭的一个小城镇滞留。由于主角在原本所属监狱Ryall State的不良行为,因此被转送到附近的监狱,但却在移送过程发生意外,当他醒来时,还以为这是逃狱的好机会,并意外来到Silent Hill这座系列中玩家们所熟悉的噩梦小镇,经历一场前所未有的无尽恶梦。“内心扭曲困惑”“可怕的动物”和其他类恐怖事情将出现在游戏里。为了生存下去日常生活用品都成了你手中的武器,比如玻璃瓶、椅子等等。游戏的鬼魅探索风格将保持不变,Konami称《寂静岭8》将比前作更具吸引力。由于该系列作曲家Akira Yamaoka已经离开寂静岭开发组,《寂静岭8》的游戏音乐已经由Daniel Licht接手处理。
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12lNDGs7CRcBD1hHFCm10_Q 提取码:4mp6 |