
中文名称:皇牌空战6 解放之战火
英文名称:Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation / Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka
日文名称:ACE COMBAT 6 解放への戦火
Online for the first time, via Xbox Live, players can experience Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation on a massive worldwide scale as it features an in-depth multi-player online experience that includes a variety of action-packed online modes. Players fight alongside fighter planes, gun ships, attack helicopters, tanks, naval fleets, heavy bombers, and electronic warfare vessels in the ultimate Ace Combat showdown. The Dynamic Operation System provides for massive battles unfolding on a "living battlefield," as up to six independent land, sea or air conflicts can break out at any time at multiple locations as allies and enemies clash in real-time.
NBGI公司公开了X360新作《皇牌空战6 解放之战火( ACE COMBAT 6 解放への戦火 )》的最新游戏画面,本作将继承“《皇牌空战》系列”以简单的操作提供玩家战斗机驾驶体验的特征,并将最大限度的运用次世代主机的机能,将“大都市夜景”、“雪山山脉”、“科罗拉多大峡谷”等壮丽景色逼真再现。另外本作将有最多6个作战同时进行,玩家将首次可以体验到大规模空战的乐趣。皇牌空战6的故事设定的时间是2015-2016年,发生在Anea大陆上(皇牌空战5中Yuktobania的北部),Estovakia和Emmeria之间的冲突。玩家扮演Emmeria第28战术飞行中队的一名空军飞行员,代号Talisman,与Estovakia对抗。
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aMxyVCqMbac7YL-2eki0yQ 提取码:qijk |