
英文名称:Left 4 Dead
开发厂商:Turtle Rock
Fight together...or die alone. A new and highly virulent strain of the rabies virus emerges and spreads through the human population with frightening speed. The pandemic's victims become grotesquely disfigured, wildly violent psychopaths, attacking the uninfected on sight. One of the "lucky" few apparently immune to the sickness, you, unfortunately, are also trapped in a city crawling with thousands of the bloodthirsty Infected. Together with a handful of fellow Survivors, you must fight your way to safety or die alone. A co-operative multiplayer action game from the makers of "Counter-Strike," Left 4 Dead is built atop the most advanced version of the Source Engine and introduces version 2 of Turtle Rock's artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology.
《求生之路》(Left 4 Dead,简称:L4D)是一款以丧尸为主题的恐怖生存类第一人称射击游戏,由维尔福软件公司旗下的Turtle Rock工作室制作。此游戏使用的是Source引擎,有个人电脑和Xbox 360版本。游戏故事描述在现代美国城市爆发出一种高度致命且传染快速的狂犬病毒,感染者外观、面貌不但变得恐怖异常,且心智狂乱,一见到未感染者就立刻加以攻击,由于这座城市已充满数千名嗜血感染者,玩家就是少数几名免疫于这种疾病的幸运者,唯有其它少数幸存者合作,才能杀出一条血路到达安全之地。在游戏中有4 位玩家手持强大火力与敌人对抗,设法逃离被大批感染者占领的城市。队友之间必须相互合作,如果独自一人行动,玩家将毫无生存机会。
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16I2hRB85k5U8UaAEAXMaRQ 提取码:kt4u |