
英文名称:Prototype 2
开发厂商:Radical Entertainment
Become the ultimate shape-shifting weapon in Prototype 2. Cut through the wastelands of post-viral New York Zero and build a genetic arsenal of all-new biological weapons and abilities on your quest to murder your maker and the devil himself, Alex Mercer. Witness building-size infected beasts ambush entire city streets. Glide and parkour across the cityscape. Take on swarms of highly trained Blackwatch soldiers. Step into the role of Sgt. James Heller, and hunt, kill and become anybody who stands in your way to absorb memories and gain new abilities. Wield the unbelievable Tendril power that allows you to lift and tear apart cars and military vehicles, ensnare powerful infected beasts and shred groups of enemies to pieces. Track down your enemies by emitting sonar pulses from your body. Choose from a wide variety of new Mutation perks, including better locomotion abilities, sharper claws and enhanced disguise abilities, to build and customize the ultimate Prototype. The virus has left the city in ruins, but it's not going to stop you from achieving your goal. Unleash the true power of infection raging within you and kill Alex Mercer.
《虐杀原形2(Prototype2)》是一款开放式科幻类动作冒险游戏,由Activision公司发行。《虐杀原形2》是《虐杀原形》的第二部力作。《虐杀原型2》将会在2012年面市,你将面对新的目标——杀死你的制作者!新作中主角将不再是1代的Alex,而是新角色James Hellen,一名士兵,他要搞清楚敌人背后的计划,而且要杀死他的创造者。
20世纪60年代的纽约,冷战时期美国军方秘密研制病毒武器并投入使用,在一次失败的实验后军方对这种武器产生了恐惧并决定将其销毁,而第一代的主角Alex却妄想凭借这种武器统治城市。James Heller是一名普通的特种士兵,他原本拥有一个幸福的家庭,然而这一切都在纽约市的病毒传播事件中被毁灭殆尽。几乎失去了一切的James。在一次小队行动中遇到了前代主角Alex mercer,小队的成员几乎全灭,Alex在唯一幸存的James身上注入了红光病毒,使得James具有了与Alex不相上下的超能力。Alex的真正目的,是创造和自己一样的变异人类,把他们训练为自己统治整座城市的得力部下,得知真相的James发誓要摧毁Alex的阴谋。
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