
开发厂商:Saber Interactive
发行厂商:Namco Bandai
Inversion is a third-person co-op shooter that combines hard-hitting, adrenaline-pumping action with a revolutionary gravity manipulation engine. Featuring the Grappler weapon, players will be able to manipulate gravity for their own purposes. The Grappler can be used in countless combat situations by maneuvering massive objects as shields or projectiles, and moving camped enemies out of concealed cover so they can be blasted away. The Grappler is also a key tool for tactical situations and puzzle solving as players can lift, move, or create cover objects at their whim. The awesome power of gravity is right at players' fingertips. Additionally, Inversion is one of the first games to feature Havok Destruction which bestows Inversion with massively destructible environments including an elaborate cover system.
本作由负责过《Time Shift(时空飞梭)》的Saber Interactive工作室开发,Namco Bandai发行的科幻射击游戏。《Inversion》将采用Saber自行研发的重力变换引擎,整个游戏过程都是无重力的,当你进入游戏,你就能浮空,并利用其他浮空物体做掩护。除了浮空,还有“向量掌控”(Vector Charges),在你游戏过程中会一定程度上旋转游戏场景。游戏场景会“空翻”90度或180 度,使敌人、bom等所有东西都翻转跌落到新的地面。
游戏背景设定在近未来,人类的和平安宁被一支名为Lutadore的未知敌人突然打破,它们配备了神奇的可以控制重力的武器,轻松地突破了人类的防御,人类城市的一些地区也进入了零重力状态,整个世界变得混乱不堪。玩家扮演一位28岁的警察Davis Russel或Davis的邻居Leo Delgado,踏上反抗入侵者之旅。
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16nuk2a0xNcXXnns6uj1fGA 提取码:g5q9 |