中文名称:横冲直撞3 / 火爆狂飙3
英文名称:Burnout 3: Takedown
日文名称:Burnout 3: Takedown
开发厂商:Electronic Arts
代理发行:Electronic Arts
游戏平台:Play Station2 (プレイステーション2)
Burnout 3 challenges you to crash into (and through) busy intersections, while creating as much damage as possible. You can battle your way to the front of the pack by taking down rivals and causing spectacular crashes. For those who thirst for crashes, the game includes a crash mode that rewards you for creating massive pileups. With multiplayer gameplay, more than 100 events, and 40 tracks, Burnout 3 provides intense speed and action.
中文名称:横冲直撞 复仇之道 / 火爆狂飙 复仇
英文名称:Burnout Revenge
游戏类型:Driving (竞速)
制作厂商:Criterion Games
代理发行:Electronic Arts
游戏平台:Play Station2 (プレイステーション2)
Burnout Revenge is a racing game in which your desire for destruction is as important as your ability to reach the finish line. The sequel to Burnout 3 adds some new features such as detailed car damage, crash combos, and a meter that rewards vengeance on the road. Game modes run the range from pure racing to pure destruction on a handful of real-world locations, including Detroit and Rome. Burnout revenge also supports online play for challenging other players.
游戏名称:火爆狂飙 5 统治者 /火爆狂飙 - 终结者 / 火爆狂飙 - 路霸 / 横冲直撞 - 公路霸主
日文名称:バーンアウト ドミネーター
英文名称:Burnout Dominator
游戏编号:SLAJ-25094 (Ch)
制作厂商:Criterion Games / EA Games
代理发行:Electronic Arts Japan
对应主机:Play Station 2(プレイステーション2)
Pushing the limits of the PSP and the PlayStation 2, Burnout Dominator features the most explosive visuals seen on the platforms, engaging multiplayer modes to suit, and a PSP exclusive feature that allows you to synchronize your game with your friends and thrash their high scores and race times.
下载地址: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1deQ3Zg 提取码:34s9 |