
英文名称:Tour de France 2009 - The Official Game
发行厂商:Focus Home Interactive
官方认可的「Tour de France 2009 - The Official Game」是最著名的自行车模拟游戏,玩家可以选择自己喜爱的车队,参加 2009 年官方的 21 段赛程。你可以直接与车手互动,要求他们起跑时抢到好位置并加速冲刺等。游戏可让 4 位玩家在 Xbox LIVE Arcade 上彼此进行比赛。你可以在各个官方车队中选择一队,并带领车队在环法的赛道上拿下胜利。看看你是不是够资格如愿披上黄衫?实时管理自己的车队,保护领先者的地位、在起跑时抢到好位置,并且在计时赛的阶段来控制自己的车手。快带领你的车队登上颁奖台的最高席次吧。
What they say about us:
Le Tour de France 2009 is a question of guts, faith and determination, and serves the world's greatest cycle race well Pocketgamer.co.uk (8/10, silver award)
"For all those who wouldn't miss the summer's greatest cycling event for the world, the Tour de France for mobiles is definitely worth the detour." mobilegametest.com (14/20)
Win the most famous cycling race in the world - the Tour de France! Throw yourself into the 21 official stages of this frantic race!
A brand new feature is the virtual pedals, allowing you to feel the effort of the race like never before. Manage the energy you burn, don't miss the refreshment points, negotiate the bends... and follow the legends of the Tour in the famous mountain stages!
Overtake, display your competitive spirit and finish on the Champs Elysees wearing the yellow jersey. Winning glory can be yours!
- All the thrills of the competition in the palm of your hand
- A frantic 21-stage race!
- A breathtaking game that you can play for hours on end
- Brand new feature: virtual pedals at your fingertips! Unique thrills and an unbelievable perception of the rider's effort!
- Exclusive and official Tour de France 2009 licence
- The 21 official stages accurately recreated: name of stage towns, stage profile (plain, mountain...), distance covered...
- Finely tuned rider behaviour using official data taken from previous years' races (cyclists' speed, effort etc...)
Published and distributed by Extra Live
下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2CSCgg 提取码:jds7 |