
英文名称:Borderlands 2
开发厂商:Gearbox Software
发行厂商:2K Games
《无主之地》是Gearbox Software开发,2K Games发行的一款RPG风格合作FPS游戏。第二代游戏仍然扮演来自前作的自定义英雄,同时引入了名为“圣安德列斯风格”的升级系统。并且该作取消在线多人模式,支持合作模式。游戏已于2012年9月18日发行。在《无主之地2》中,玩家会穿越致命的冻原,苏格兰式的高地和更多传统的巨石荒原和沙漠。游戏中的怪物种类会比1代更多,而且战斗方式也会发生很大的改变。尽管是一部第一人称游戏,但真正驱使着玩家一遍又一遍通关的是更多的战利品。在《无主之地》中,更多的战利品就是更多的枪。现在,Gearbox正在进一步扩充游戏中的武器总量,让每一家武器制造商变得更独特,每个厂家不仅有独一无二的商标,还会有独特的使用方式。
Borderlands 2 furthers the distinct blending of First Person Shooter and Role Playing genres to create the true evolution of the Role Playing Shooter. Team up with up to three other players for four-player online goodness or go old-school with two-player split-screen couch sharing mayhem as you spend hours leveling up your character and equipping them with one of the millions of badass weapons. Borderlands 2 features a new visually stunning array of procedurally generated guns, shields, grenades, artifacts, enemies and more. Choose one of the four new character classes to be taken through a carefully crafted and connected story to all new and surprising environments across the living planet of Pandora. Make new friends, arm them to the teeth and fight alongside them on your relentless quest for revenge and redemption.
下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvHVfdB 提取码:aj67 |