
中文名称:乐高生化英雄 / 乐高异形大战铁血战士
英文名称:Bionicle Heroes
游戏类型:Action Adventure (动作冒险)
开发厂商:Traveller's Tales
发行厂商:Eidos Interactive
当静态的玩具,透过丰富的动画,将它逼真生动的身影,拟真化后,可与更多的消费者产生共鸣,TT Game 再次为乐高效力,将旗下品牌搬移到电玩娱乐平台上。Bionicle正是透过动画,将生化战士的故事背景与世界,以生动的手法让玩家融入其中,让玩家们能亲自操纵着自己喜爱的生化战士,为正义而战,为拯救家园而战,展现它强大力量,铲除邪恶。
Bionicle Heroes brings to life the most powerful and exciting LEGO characters ever seen in one game, in an action-packed world of adventure and discovery. Take control of a young hero as he steps out of the real world and into the strange and dangerous universe of Bionicle. Only by mastering the powers and special abilities of the greatest Bionicle heroes will he be able to overcome the many challenges ahead.
下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVa7kEV 提取码:aq1k