灰与幻想的格林姆迦尔 CD BOX - Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions BEST (FLAC+MP3)
灰与幻想的格林姆迦尔 /灰と幻想のグリムガル /Grimgar of Fantasy and Ashhttp://ww4.sinaimg.cn/mw690/005Xo3wSgw1f4bsf632a3j30fn0dwq4t.jpg
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar CD Box - Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions BEST (FLAC)
TVアニメ「灰と幻想のグリムガル」CD-BOX「Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions “BEST”」
TV Anime "Hai to Gensou no Grimgar" CD-BOX "Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions "BEST""
Artist: (K)NoW_NAME
Catalog No.: THCA-60094
JAN/ISBN: 4988104079947
Label/Distributor: Toho
Release Date: May 18, 2016
Disc 1
1. Knew day
2. Head Wind
3. Crisp morning
4. Innocent gait
5. Vain effort
6. Brave Storm
7. Soaking
8. seeds
9. Plant
10. Germination
11. cloudiness
12. crepuscular rays
13. Stand on the Ground
14. mild climate
15. Up draft
16. thunder
17. Gloomy
18. rainy tone
19. Drop
20. drizzle
21. go at ease
22. Out of place
23. Weariness
24. Haze
Disc 2
1. deep darkness
2. daybreak
3. Nutrient
4. Growing
5. Harvest (Shihoru ver.)
6. sun will rise
7. moonlight
8. Swelling of Buds
9. Irregular nuts
10. Stable roots
11. Bloom soon
12. pest
13. beautiful flower
14. purification
15. Sudden Storm
16. Resist
17. relief
18. Disaster
19. Nothing
20. Cultivate
21. Every day
22. Harvest
下载地址: http://v.ctfile.com/info/8EL136927
百度网盘: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geKRafD 提取码:gvng
MP3: http://www.2cycd.com/thread-8927-1-1.html 谢谢上传分享~~~ 这个必须要顶啊。。。 路过,支持一下! 先下来看看。。。 谢谢楼主,路过帮顶了 不错,感谢楼主分享! 谢谢分享啦,帮你顶,^_^ 谢谢分享,我顶你了 爆頂一波,這番好看,音樂賊好聽。感謝大佬分享!